segunda-feira, março 10, 2008

"Greening the Psyche"

No site de uma radio Australiana - ABC Radio National - encontrei uma reportagem (que achei muito interessante) sobre a atracção natural que o ser humano sente pelos sistemas vivos e o efeito que os espaços verdes urbanos exercem sobre o no nosso estado de espírito.

Segue um excerto e o link:

"Where I live is very urban, not so much suburban but definitely burdened with bitumen. At times I ache for green acres and that pull could well be in my genes and yours too. The acclaimed Harvard biologist EO Wilson has suggested we're entering an Eremozoic age, the age of loneliness, isolated from all other living organisms. He popularised what's called the biophilia hypothesis, the idea that we're biologically drawn to natural landscapes.

It's a scientifically woolly but compelling possibility. Intuitively we sense that grass, trees and water relax us but finding solid empirical evidence for a relationship between ecology and our state of mind has been more difficult. Environmental psychologists are now on to it: crime rates, academic performance, aggression, your mental health, even attention deficit disorder -- could a bit of urban greening make all the difference?"